Music To The Eyes Project

What is this project you might ask?
Well, we're paying a musical tribute to a mixture of artists we consider to be highly inspirational. They're not in any chronological order, just an eclectic mix of painters we personally admire.
In addition to the artistic giants such as Turner and Cezanne, we're trying to raise awareness and feature some wonderful artists from Wales, including Sir Kyffin Williams, Gwen and Augustus John, JD Iness and Natalie Chapman.
If you scroll down, you'll see we've created a series of videos to correspond with the music. We hope this will convey a synergy and atmosphere between the two elements. Unfortunately, we couldn't publish our videos on Mark Chagall, Henri Matisse and Mark Rothko. This is due to copyright. In these times of austerity, we decided to make the music free to download, so if you like what you hear and see, then please share the content. Finally, If you have any feedback, we'd love to hear from you! ( musictotheeyesproject@gmail.com ) Thank you!

Meet The Band

Chelsea Taylor

Gwyn Griffiths

